
These are our staffing solutions to help you hire great people for your organization. You can list job openings and manage your own search, and we will market your open positions to the world through our socials, our website, and our network of thousands of other ministry leaders.

We can do a custom search for your organization; however, we prefer to work on a retainer basis to help you organize your staff for health and growth. Let us know if you want to chat further about how we could partner through our partnership program or through a custom search process. Start the conversation here.

Single Job Posting
Billed Only Once

Great for One-Off Hiring Needs

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Featured Job Posts

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Social Media Sharing

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

Monthly Subscription
Billed Monthly

Great for Expanding Teams

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Up to 3 Job Posts Per Month

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Jobs Featured for the First 7 Days

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Social Media Sharing

edbVbfCVTa27pSGRTyPYMIq548dWXXxmiR9YdgDT.png Company Logo on Home Page

Unlimited Subscription
Billed Monthly

Great for Growing Organizations

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Unlimited Job Postings

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Hands on help in importing all job postings

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 45 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed Google and LinkedIn Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Jobs Featured for the First 21 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Social Media Sharing

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Logo on Home Page

Partnership Program
Billed Monthly


As a partner, your church gets free access to unlimited job postings. One free custom candidate search per year. Access to our culture audit, staff structure/organizational chart planning, salary band recommendations, and senior level 360 degree reviews with a compensation recommendation.

Let us partner with you and help you structure your team for maximum kingdom impact!

Let's connect for a free consultation to discuss your church's needs.

Schedule a Conversation


Custom Search
Billed Only Once

Let Us Serve Your Church Search Process

Let us manage your candidate search process. Whether it’s a senior leader, kids, student, or groups pastor position, we’ve got you covered. We bring fresh eyes and experience to your custom search, connecting you with candidates and helping you lock in your next new hire.

Let's connect for a free consultation to discuss your church's needs. A member of our team will reach out to learn how we can best serve you. 

Schedule a Conversation
