Core Values

HR is our Craft

We are committed to honing our craft by learning from marketplace and church HR leaders around the country. As we hone our craft, we will continue to innovate to provide the best HR services to our clients.

Excellence is our aim

Because the mission of the church is of eternal importance, we refuse to do anything half way. We serve and resource the bride of Christ and she deserves nothing less than excellence

Clients are our bosses

Even if the client isn’t always right, we are committed to the outcome being right every time. We will treat every client with respect, honor, responsiveness, and ultimately service better than the Lord’s chicken restaurant. We work for you.

Collaboration is our rule

We intentionally collaborate with one another and with our clients to achieve the best outcomes. Another aspect of our collaboration is how we connect and network with thousands of leaders and churches around the country to maximize kingdom impact.

Future Leaders are our target

If you are deeply committed to preserving the past and the status quo or really want to keep your church exactly how it used to be, we aren’t going to be a fit for you. BUT, if you want to dream, plan, and strategize about how to best set your church up to reach future generations, then we are ready to serve you.

Resourcing the Church is our passion 

This is our niche. We love the church. We believe in the church. We love the people who are laying their lives down to build the church. Our passion is to serve and resource the people in the trenches of ministry.

Culture trumps everything 

We believe that the secret sauce of every thriving church is your culture…the intangibles of your church.

When people say…

“This place feels like home”
“There’s something special here”
“This place, team, staff, or church feels like a breath of fresh air”
"This place feels good/right” 
“There’s genuineness and authenticity here”
“I can trust these people”

What they are really saying is…

“This place has a good culture

We help you create and correct the culture of your church!

And Great People create and guard Healthy Cultures which leads to Growing Churches!